About us
Our Human Side

People behind the technologies

Whether it's about our own team or external stakeholders, we like to work and keep working with people that share our values, always.

We believe in the power of organizational identification and we believe that all members of our team share a strong network of values in common.


Our values

Placing the company at the service of people, every day, is the most effective way to ensure that those people contribute to creating value for the company in the long run.

Dedication and ongoing innovation

It stems from our passion for research, innovation, and understanding human behavior.

Excellence and quality

We strive for excellence through innovation, application of the scientific method, and by ensuring ethical research standards at all stages.

Integrity and responsibility

Adopted values can be read in acted behaviour, not in corporate statements.


Doing well for yourself by doing good for others. It is a fundamental value, both for the interaction with our partners and for the development of our research team.

People first

A key factor that we believe underlies all value creation processes. 

Il nostro team

Alessandro Rasetta, PhD | Managing Director
Human Resources

Riccardo Palumbo, PhD | Direttore Scientifico
Behavioral Economics and Neuroeconomics
LinkedIn | ResearchGate

Stefano Anzani, PhD
Experimental Psychology
LinkedIn | ResearchGate

Maurizio Bertollo, PhD
Physical Sciences
LinkedIn | ResearchGate

Loreta Cannito, PhD

Experimental Psychology

LinkedIn | ResearchGate

Massimo Caulo, PhD

Claudio D’Addario, PhD
Genetics and epigenetics


Claudio Di Berardino, PhD
Happiness economy
LinkedIn | ResearchGate

Mirco Fasolo, PhD

Developmental psychology

LinkedIn | ResearchGate

Alessandro Bortolotti, PhD
Psychology and neuromarketing

Pierpaolo Iodice, PhD

Neuroscience and Motor Control
LinkedIn | ResearchGate

Pierangelo Rosati, PhD Business Analytics LinkedInResearchGate

Promuoviamo la cultura economico-comportamentale, attraverso il sostegno alle attività di searching forformazione universitaria and divulgative

Iniziative di ricerca scientifica, didattica universitaria e divulgazione
che beneficiano del sostegno di Umana-Analytics

Section of Behavioral Economics and Neuroeconomics (ECNE)

The section operates within the Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical Sciences (DNISC) and integrates research, training and technology transfer projects and initiatives concerning decision-making processes and human behavior in the economic setting.


The BE-Lab (Behavioral Economics Lab) operates at the CAST (Center for Advanced Studies and Technologies) at the University of Chieti-Pescara.

Its researchers are engaged in various fields, from Decision Making to Behavioral Economics and Human-Centered Design.


The blog EconomiaComportamentale.it is the first Italian portal dedicated to the scientific dissemination of the knowledge derived from the merging of Economics and Psychology. 


Born in 2016 on the initiative of a group of BE-Lab faculty and PhD students, it now has hundreds of thousands of readers per year, with peer-reviewed contributions indexed on Google Scholar. 

Ph.D in Business & Behavioral Sciences

The PhD in Business and Behavioral Sciences combines the areas of business with the areas of behavioral sciences, with focus on internationality, innovation and business. The PhD trains future researchers in Behavioral Economics and Neuroeconomics.

Master in Behavioral Economics and Neuromarketing

The Master BEN (Behavioral Economics & Neuromarketing) aims to provide knowledge and skills in the field of behavioral economics and neuroeconomics in various business sectors: marketing and communication, human resources, design, finance, accounting, control.

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